Saturday 8 October 2011
Support the humble hyperlink

new web-service from myappmarks

I see that Joe Hewitt is also concerned that we may be foregoing many of the things we take for granted with the humble hyperlink in our headlong rush to embrace native apps, see What the Web is and is not and Apps and Web URLs: Perfect Together.

He also says that "We don't have to wait and hope that Apple or Google solve this problem for us." and suggests a web service that transforms between different URL representations required by different devices.

Using the core of myappmarks, I've put together a basic service that might do something similar to what Joe describes. The following two URLs both identify the movie entry on IMDb for 'The Godfather'. One is based on the common representation we see on the Web and the other uses the custom URL scheme used to invoke the IMDb native app on both iOS and Android.

To get an idea of what happens, follow these links on a variety of devices: desktop browser, iPhone, iPad or Android device. In all cases the service tries to present the most appropriate way of linking to IMDb.

Currently the service supports URLs for YouTube, Yelp, IMDb and Gowalla.

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